Thursday, April 12, 2007


Så kallade Nigeriabrev har ju varit i rörelse en massa år nu. Jag fick ett idag till min spammade Hotmail-adress. I och för sig var det från Burkina-Faso, men principen är ju såklart den samma. Någon bedragare påstår att man kan få en massa pengar från någon rik avliden och så går det ut på att man ska lämna ut sitt kontonummer så de kan sätta in pengarna där. I detta fallet handlade det om den nätta summan av 11,3 miljoner dollar. Jag brukar naturligtvis aldrig svara men idag gjorde jag ett undantag, kanske för att det kom från en som kallade sig Hilda Williams, vilket ju låter som en riktig pudding. Och så är det ju trots allt en ansenlig summa. Så här blev svaret (mina svar i kursiv stil).

>From: "hilda williams"
>Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 21:05:27 +0000
>From the Desk of Miss hildawilliams
>Manager Bill And Exchange Dept
>African Development Bank(ADB)
>Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.

>Dear Friend,

- First, Hilda, are you single and good looking? That would make the deal more exciting in a way.

>I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise.

- No, it's no surprise. I have received a lot of similar letters before. I am veeeery rich by now. And they say "You cannot win if you do not play". Ha!

I am the bill and exchange manager in African Development Bank.

- Yeah, right!

I hoped that you
>will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about
>to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.

- Of course not. Just send me the money. Send it in a box to the main post office in Malmo, Sweden and write "to the most handsome man in Sweden" on it. Thanks in advance.

>I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $11.3
>million immediately to your account. The money has been dormant for
>years in our Bank here without any body coming for it. The owner of
>this account is JOSEPH F. GRILLO, foreigner and he is the Manager Of
>petrol chemical service, a chemical engineer by Profession. He died
>in world trade center as a victim of the September 11,2001 Incident
>that befall the United State of America, the bank has made series of
>efforts to contact any of the relatives to claim this money but
>without success, you can confirm through this website:
>I don't want the money to go into our Bank treasury as an abandoned
> fund. So this is the reason why i contacted you ,so that the bank
> can release the money to you as the nearest person to the
>deceased customer.

- Yes, I am obviously his closest. I loved him as my own dad. (Not!)

Please i will like you to keep this proposal as
>a top secret and delete if you are not interested.

- Sure, just send me the money in a box as I wrote above and I will not tell anyone.

>Upon receipt of your reply I will send you full details on how the
>business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of
>the above mentioned sum if you agree to transact the business with
- My way is easier and faster and you know it. Just as with you - you can of course trust me 100%. As a special thank you I will, after receiving the money, send you a great CD with Soul Music (mainly from the 70's) I have just compiled!

>Miss hildawilliams

Hugs and kisses (- Hmm...Miss, not Mrs. Sounds good, I like that!)


Anonymous said...

Hehe, bra jobbat!

That Handsome Devil said...

Det här var riktigt roligt, misstänker att du oxå hade det när du svarade :-)

Ola said...

Ja, det var roligt. Oväntat nog har hon inte svarat tillbaka än:-)

JLZ said...

Jag blev erbjuden en rysk kvinna och hennes avlidne makes miljoner för ett par veckor sen, de ville att man först skulle sätta in alla sina pengar på nåt konto och sen åka till nån grå sibirisk håla och hämta den stackars 23-åriga änkan och alla stålarna. Det var inte lika formellt som de vanliga Afrikabreven, snarare personligt och lite hjälplöst i stilen, såklart undertecknat av änkan. Synd att jag kastade mailet, kunde ha vidarebefordrat det till dig istället så kunde du ha förädlat det med lite kul svar!